+33 (0)5 86 23 01 33 | +1 (418) 780 4443 contact@studiobods.com



OOP Design

Expertise in OOP for ground up software solutions that offer stability, re-usability, and expansion.

SQL Integration

SQL Database integration for robust data storage and fast data processing.

Hardware Automation

Hardware integration for Real-Time and FPGA embedded systems.

Custom APIs

API development with full licensing, auto-updating and tracking capabilities.


Advanced Architecture Design

Starting the project with the correct design pattern establishes maintainability and re-usability of code.Expertise in OOP for ground up software solutions that offer stability, re-usability, and expansion.


Software Deployment & Continuous Integration

As the leading expert in LabVIEW deployment and licensing, we provide you with the solid ground to continually develop, test, and release your software.

Project Management

Provide tools to improve team productivity by learning how to mitigate the risks in managing software development across a large team.

Data Management

We think about data storage, retrieval, and analysis at every stage of our development. Learn how to seamlessly integrate and manage big data and SQL database like a pro.


Tailored to your needs

We provide excellent training packages for LabVIEW software. Our teachers are both smart and professional; they are selflessly dedicated to your success. We are the most affordable and convenient alternative.