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NI Week 2017

AD 568 – 5 Tips to Develop, Deploy, and License a Memorable Application


Learn five easy steps to improve your application’s usability and create more productive developers and users. Examine topics from tools for overcoming the white VI syndrome to features for building your LabVIEW code into a modern Windows application. Achieve an application that can be built, licensed, and distributed at the click of a button.

Critical Lessons

Learn how to add version number to front panel, a splash screen, create one file installers, push small updates for your already deployed LabVIEW executables, add licensing and error tracking.Alliance Day, Customer Education, Developer Suite, LabVIEW|, Tools Network, Other, Technical Session, AD0568, Delacor, STUDIO BODs, Intermediate


  • Fabiola De la Cueva

    Certified LabVIEW Architect, Founder, Delacor


  • Matthias Baudot

    Software Architect, Founder, STUDIO BODs

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